The NLA responded this week to Labour's proposals to making accepting pets the default
In response to Labour's animal welfare plan, which proposes to give tenants the default right to keep pets unless there is evidence the animal is causing a nuisance, Richard Lambert, CEO at the National Landlords Association (NLA) said:
“Around half of landlords say they are reluctant to allow renters to keep pets due to a perceived added risk of damage to the property, and the increased costs of repair the end of a tenancy.
“You can’t take a blanket approach to keeping or refusing pets. The NLA has consistently supported schemes that encourage landlords to take on pet owners, such as the Dog’s Trust’s ‘Lets With Pets’, but landlords should have a right to refuse permission so long as they justify their decision. For example, common properties in the PRS, such as high rise flats or those without gardens, may simply not be suitable for keeping some animals nor beneficial to their welfare.
“However, tenants who keep pets do tend to stay for longer periods of time, and there are a few simple steps that landlords can take in order to mitigate the perceived increased risks, such as by inserting specific clauses and policies into their tenancy agreements”.
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