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£60 for loo roll, £15 for ketchup, £17 for rice... Are you a #PricedOutLondoner?

Despite the turbulent financial climate, nothing seems to be able to stem the capital’s spiralling property prices. Whilst the cost of living is rising everywhere, nowhere is it hiking faster that in London, and the internet has taken the issue to its heart and, got creative!

The #PricedOutLondoner Tumblr blog has illustrated just how high prices have risen, by mirroring house price growth alongside items you’d buy in the everyday shop.

For example, it says house prices in Oval, south London have risen 938% over the last 20 years. When this rate of inflation is applied to a large avocado, it would cost £10.38.

An everyday stable 2kg bag of basmati rice would cost £17.96 had gone up in price in line with house prices in Camden, north London, which have seen a 696% rise.

Heinz tomato ketchup would cost £15.52 if it was catching up with the 676% rise seen in Dalston, east London.

A family home has shot up 670 is Westminster, so your family's needs (a 74-pack of Pampers nappies) would come in at a whopping £73.15

You'd be flushing away your hard earned cash if loo roll were to shoot up 722% in line with Westminster prices, at £61.65 for 16 rolls!

The cash would be melting away if cheese went up 938% like property in Marylebone has, with a block of mature cheddar coming in at £36.33!
Terrible for the bank balance, great for the Clubcard points!

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